sveltekit-netlify-google-oauth-example Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Netlify Google Oauth Example

A long-titled repository showing how you could potentially use SvelteKit deployed to Netlify with Google OAuth for authentication.


A long-titled repository showing how you could potentially use SvelteKit deployed to Netlify with Google OAuth for authentication. Not the only way or perhaps even the best way, but a way.




  • Create OAuth 2.0 credentials for your application.
    • Add an authorized redirect URI entry for http://localhost:3000/auth/callback.
  • Copy .env.sample to .env
  • Generate secrets for JWT and cookie signing.
node -p "require('crypto').randomBytes(64).toString('hex');"
  • Optionally set AUTHORIZED_DOMAIN to restrict authentication to only this domain.
  • The other values can remain the same for local development.
  • Install dependencies and run.
npm install
npm run dev


  • Generate new OAuth 2.0 credentials and secrets for Netlify.
    • Add a new authorized redirect URI entry for
  • Add them to your site's build deployment environment variables.
    • Also set NODE_ENV=production and AUTH_REDIRECT=
  • Deploy to Netlify.


Thanks to a few different articles and authors for inspiration and help.



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