Sveltekit Auth Starter
This is a Sveltekit auth starter project. It utilizes Lucia for authenticatio…
Trpc Sveltekit Example
A sample SvelteKit application built to illustrate the usage of ✨ trpc-svelte…
Sveltekit Twitter Clone
Barebones Twitter clone built with the Sveltekit, Lucia Auth, Prisma and Fake…
Sveltekit Monorepo Template
Monorepo with SvelteKit, pnpm, TypeScript, Express, Prisma, Postgres etc to s…
Sveltekit Prisma Foundation Boilerplate
SvelteKit Template for CapRover deployments. Includes Foundation, Tailwind, P…
Sveltekit Prisma Postgres
A full stack todo app built in Svelte, Svelte Kit, Typescript, Prisma ORM, Po…
Sveltekit Prisma Luciaauth Superforms
a template to start a project complete with email//password and OAuth2 (githu…
Sveltekit Auth Template
Sveltekit app template, with auth flow, airbnb eslint config, typescript, pri…