Theme Switch (Dark Mode) in Svelte (SvelteKit) and TailwindCSS
Theme switcher for Svelte & TailwindCSS
Demo app using theme-change in SvelteKit with Tailwind and DaisyUI
Simple light/dark mode management for SvelteKit apps. 🌑 ←→ ☀️
Component and state for switching theme
Markdown powered blog with server side theme switch
REST Countries API with color theme switcher
SvelteKit, Tailwind and DaisyUI starter with theme switcher
Frontend Mentor challenge REST Countries API with color theme switcher
Social media dashboard with theme switcher
Frontend Mentor - REST Countries API with color theme switcher solution
A Svelte boilerplate with consistent design for Simplus Toolbox, responsive l…
This is a stab at the Frontend Mentor challenge "REST Countries API with colo…
Todo app using SvelteKit and GraphCMS with Tailwind and DaisyUI