Updated for Svelte 5 and SvelteKit 2.8.1
This is an example of how to register, authenticate, and update users and limit their access to areas of the website by role (admin, teacher, student). It includes profile management and password resets via SendGrid.
It's a Single Page App (SPA) built with SvelteKit and a PostgreSQL database back-end. Code is TypeScript and the website is styled using Bootstrap. PostgreSQL functions handle password hashing and UUID generation for the session ID. Unlike most authentication examples, this SPA does not use callbacks that redirect back to the site (causing the website to be reloaded with a visual flash).
The project includes a Content Security Policy (CSP) in svelte.config.js.
The website supports two types of authentication:
There is some overhead to checking the user session in a database each time versus using a JWT; however, validating each request avoids problems discussed in this article and this one. For a high-volume website, I would use Redis or the equivalent.
The forgot password / password reset functionality uses a JWT and SendGrid to send the email. You would need to have a SendGrid account and set two environmental variables. Email sending is in /src/routes/auth/forgot.ts. This code could easily be replaced by nodemailer or something similar. Note: I have no affliation with SendGrid (used their API in another project).
Here are the steps:
# Clone the repo to your current directory
git clone https://github.com/nstuyvesant/sveltekit-auth-example.git
# Install the dependencies
cd /sveltekit-auth-example
yarn install
# Create PostgreSQL database (only works if you installed PostgreSQL)
psql -d postgres -f db_create.sql
Create a Google API client ID per these instructions. Make sure you include http://localhost:3000
, http://localhost
in the Authorized JavaScript origins and http://localhost:3000/auth/google/callback
in the Authorized redirect URIs for your Client ID for Web application. ** Do not access the site using ** - use http://localhost:3000
or it will not work.
Create a free Twilio SendGrid account and generate an API Key following this documentation and add a sender as documented here.
Create an .env file at the top level of the project with the following values (substituting your own id and PostgreSQL username and password):
# Start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
yarn dev -- --open
The db_create.sql script adds three users to the database with obvious roles: