Svelte Rick and Morty API
Starter for Rick and Morty Svelte Demo Research Project - Alicia and Tony
Meet all the characters in the Rick and Morty series
An example of using URQL with SvelteKit
Aplicación con Svelte consumiendo el API de Rick And Morty
Just a training Svelte app using REST-API
Rick and Morty Svelte
Svelte project using the Rick and Morty API and UIKit for some styling
Tutorial de svelte js
Svelte + Sapper + Axios
Rick and Morty with Svelte
Rick and Morty Svelte App
Test with Svelte JS
Svelte app with routing
Rick and Morty Rest Api
A Rick and Morty client for the Rick and Morty API built with Svelte
API REST SVELTE: Rick and Morty
app de rick and morty api consumido por svelte
Ejemplo de uso de Svelte usando la API de Rick and Morty para obtener los per…
Lista de personajes que consumen la API de Rick y Morty con Svelte.
Svelte, Javascript, Vite, Fetch, CSS, Github Pages
Website que consume la api de rick and morty con svelte.js
Api rick and morty with svelte, ts, css