Svelte Adapter Firebase
SvelteKit adapter for Firebase Hosting rewrites to Cloud Functions for a Svel…
Rollup Plugin Svelte Ssr
Rollup plugin that injects SSR-ed markup and/or styles in custom html-template
Svelte Kit Ssr Boilerplate
🧵 Svelte server-side-rendering built with SEO in mind. Start your project wit…
Appwrite Ssr Svelte Kit
Appwrite Loves Svelte Kit! Demo application with authorized server-side and c…
Vite Plugin Ssr Svelte
WIP: an attempt to create a lightweight and flexible SSR solution for Svelte …
Sapper Netlify Cms Starter
A starter project for using Netlify CMS with the Svelte Sapper SSR toolkit
Sapper Tailwind Firebase Host
Integration of Sapper (svelte.js) with Tailwind CSS and Firebase hosting - wi…
Job Listing Ssr Sveltekit
Sample project for learning SSR in Sveltekit. Not intended for production usage