⚡ Empowering JavaScript with native platform APIs. ✨ Best of all worlds (Type…
A javascript quiz based on Svelte. Try it out here:
Exceptionless JavaScript client
A Java Spring Boot template that renders Svelte components server side.
A quarkus project template using svelte with typescript
JavaScript Guide
A community showcase of projects built with Azure Static Web Apps 🎉
This is the monorepo that holds Caffeinated, Casterlabs Studio, and all the s…
A modern Java reverse engineering tool for the web.
Java SSR for Svelte (requires GraalVM)
The code for Caffeinated.
A course search and review platform for Concordia University
CRUD operations using Svelte and integration with REST API using Java and Sp…
Java + Svelte project
Ejemplos de Svelte
Projeto vencedor da Hackathon UNIFESO 2023
Javascript 30 done in svelte
build web with sevlte3
Simple chess game implemented with svelte and plain java script.
Java DOM compiler for Svelte (requires GraalVM)
Java rest interface with Svelte Frontend for FSE (HTL Imst)
javascript, vanilla, jquery, esm, svelte
This is a forum web application built with Java Spring Boot, SQL, and Grafana…
🍾 Next-Gen excalimat. The best system for buying drinks at your company.
Basic calculator made to try svelte
Making Tasks Frontend again with svelte
a redo of my javascript class at Lansing Community College in Svelte
Created with CodeSandbox
Re-implement the JavaScript30 project by WesBos using SvelteKit + Svelte
Wes Bos's JavaScript30 implementation in Svelte or Angular
Proyecto con Svelte, Java Script, Figma
Svelte Hello World App for Auth0
junglelab build on L2 - bitcoin liquid network - digital assets - NFT - BOL2
E2E-encrypted file sharing service