SvelteKit-auth-w-Lucia-Postgres-Drizzle-template Svelte Themes

Sveltekit Auth W Lucia Postgres Drizzle Template

This is a SvelteKit template project with the Lucia auth example "Email and password example with 2FA and WebAuthn" implemented, ready to use and extend.

Lucia auth w/ Sveltekit, postgres and Drizzle as template project written in TypeScipt :revolving_hearts:

This is a SvelteKit template project with Lucia auth Email and password example with 2FA and WebAuthn already implemented, ready to use and extend.

It uses nodemailer for sending emails.

I simply followed lucia auth's instructions. I'm definitely not an expert on authorization or anything like that. I just thought it might make life easier for some people.

TODOs :clipboard:


Create a .env file. Generate a 128 bit (16 byte) string, base64 encode it, and set it as ENCRYPTION_KEY.


You can use OpenSSL to quickly generate a secure key.

openssl rand --base64 16
  • Add an 'ORIGIN' variable to your env file that corresponds to the hostname (for example "localgost").
  • Add an 'ORIGIN_URL' variable to your env file that corresponds to the host url (for example "http://localhost:5173").

Setup SMTP for sending mails

Setup your SMTP server in the transporter.ts file. You can use Gmail. Insert your gmail as GMAIL_EMAIL and an "app password" as GMAIL_PASSWORD in your env file.

Uncomment and fill in / rewrite the informations for the email-verification process in the email-verification.ts file and password-reset process in the password-reset.ts file.

Setup your postgres database

This project uses Drizzle ORM.

Lucia :smiling_imp:

  • Run npm run db:push to update your database schema
  • Visit /lucia route to view the demo

Drizzle :sweat_drops:

  • You will need to set DATABASE_URL in your production environment
  • Run npm run db:push to update your database schema


Once you've created a project and installed dependencies with npm install (or pnpm install or yarn), start a development server:

npm run dev

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open


To create a production version of your app:

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.

To deploy your app, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.

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