Sveltekit Cloudflare Fullstack
sveltekit edge fullstack graphql with api crud + pages + worker + D1(with dri…
Sveltekit Cloudflare Template
A fully functional SvelteKit template that integrates Cloudflare services (Pa…
Lucia Sveltekit D1 Example
email (or username) & password example with Lucia, SvelteKit and Cloudflare D1
Sveltekit D1 Drizzle Template
Template for SvelteKit on Cloudflare Pages using Cloudflare D1 via DrizzleORM
Sveltekit Cloudflare D1 Drizzle
A demo repo to run Sveltekit and Cloudflare D1 and drizzle ORM locally
Sveltekit Cloudflare
A working PoC of SvelteKit with Cloudflare D1 as the DB and Drizzle as the ORM.
Svelte Kit Cloudflare D1 Example
Building performant, scalable web apps with global CDN capabilities. Example …