taleweave Svelte Themes


An open-source, and easy to use platform for writers and authors alike to share their stories and works of literature freely



Table of Contents

About the project

Taleweave is an open-source, and easy to use platform for writers and authors alike to share their stories and works of literature freely. On this platform you as an author can create an account, write your stories, and publish them for the world to see and appreciate. Taleweave is by writers, for writers.


Taleweave has a discord server where you can get help, ask questions, and get involved in the community. Join the discord server today!

Tech Stack

Originally built as a pet project, this platform is built on cutting-edge web technologies like sveltekit for the frontend, prisma + planetscale for the database, lucia for authentication and authorization, and tailwindcss for styling.


See the Github projects page for a list of features and enhancements that are planned for the future.

Roadmap :link:

Getting Started

To get started developing for this project locally, follow the simple steps outlined below:


Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:


  1. Clone the repo

    git clone https://github.com/joshwcorbett/taleweave.git taleweave
  2. Install dependencies

    pnpm install
  3. Create your own .env file and populate it with the following value:

  4. Run the project

    pnpm dev


Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated. Feel free to fork the project and submit a pull request.


Distributed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE for more information.

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