Sveltekit Cloudflare Fullstack
sveltekit edge fullstack graphql with api crud + pages + worker + D1(with dri…
Sveltekit Lucia Shadcn
SvelteKit + Drizzle ORM + Shadcn + Lucia - simple auth setup - Sign Up - Logi…
Sveltekit Cloudflare D1 Drizzle
A demo repo to run Sveltekit and Cloudflare D1 and drizzle ORM locally
Nx Svelte Drizzle Tailwind
Template for generating a NX monorepo that uses Svelte-kit, Drizzle-ORM, tail…
Sveltekit Manga Browser
A full-stack web application for browsing and tracking manga using the AniLis…
Sveltekit Auth Starter
Super simple Sveltekit auth starter template. Sveltekit + Skeleton + Lucia + …
Sveltekit Auth W Lucia Postgres Drizzle Template
This is a SvelteKit template project with the Lucia auth example "Email and p…