Micro Frontend Multi Framework Boilerplate
A project have many projects with multi framework like Solidjs, Vuejs, Reactj…
Micro Frontend Starter
Micro frontend template for starter using qiankun + Vite + TypeScript + Vue3 …
Podium Svelte Example
A mini Svelte micro frontends architecture using server-side composition with…
Micro Frontends Single Spa 2021 05 18
Repositório com o código base para a aula de Micro-Frontends utilizando modul…
Micro Frontend Talk Example
📦 Micro-fronted with React + Svelte. Created using Webpack Module Federation
Application developed using React, vue and svelte programming languages and W…
React Vue Svelte Mdx__micro Frontend
A small **Micro Frontend** app using React, Vue, Svelte, and MDX
Micro Frontend Single Spa Typescript
Create micro frontend with React | Svelte | Typescript and Single SPA
Webpack Ts Svelte Module Federation
A simple example of a micro-frontend based on: Webpack, TypeScript, Svelte, M…
Ofjustpy Svelte Client Bundler
Vite bundler for ofjustpy client runtime build using svelte (derived from: ht…
Example Microfrontends Simple Spa React Svelte
Introductory workshop for my team mates about micro frontends and single-spa …
Micro Frontend Wrapper
A micro frontend environment written in React. Loads frontend micro services …
Qiankun Multi Framework Micro Frontend
this is a sample project based on qiankun and learna which runs Augular, Reac…