Notion-style WYSIWYG editor with AI-powered autocompletion.
Visual Development for React, Vue, Svelte, Qwik, and more
Lightweight text editor built with svelte, typescript
Rich text editor (WYSIWYG) written in Svelte, build on top of tiptap, prosemi…
slate svelte view layer
Latest SvelteKit v.2 blog - can create page or blog with Markdown or Jodit(wy…
A web application used to create Reveal.js slides with Interactive Code Playg…
🥛 Simple example for using Svelte with Milkdown, a plugin driven WYSIWYG mark…
A markdown compatible WYSIWYG slide editor made with svelte
HTML5 & Email friendly WYSIWYG rich text editor by Tiptap & web comonents (WIP)
Rich Text Editor built with Summernote
A Svelte component wrapper for quill
Awesome resources, mostly frontend stuff