rdt-svelte Svelte Themes

Rdt Svelte

Svelte 5 component wrapper for Radix dApp Toolkit


A Svelte 5 component to quickly get up and running with the Radix dApp Toolkit and its Connect Button.


npm install rdt-svelte

How to use

<script lang="ts">
    // Import the component
    // (Any other RDT types are re-exported by the package)
    import { ConnectButton, DataRequestBuilder } from "rdt-svelte";

    // Set up a reactive state variable to hold the button instance
    let button: ConnectButton | undefined = $state();

    // You can use $effect to use the button's api when it is ready.
    // Of course, the button will only be ready after the ConnectButton component is mounted.
    $effect(() => {

<div class="connect-button">
    <!-- Use the component to put the button where you need it, and bind it to the reactive variable -->
    <ConnectButton bind:this={button} />


    .connect-button {
        position: fixed;
        top: 10px;
        right: 10px;

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