DAPP_DevKit_1 Svelte Themes


An automatic dApp template, using hardhat, svelte, tailwind, ethers and web3modal. WIP!


Hardhat & Svelte

Automated template dapp development kit

This repository is a template for Dapps, and has the following cool caracteristics:

  • Automated Contract verification.
  • Automated ABI and Address linkage to the frontend app ( Svelte ).
  • Automated frontend upload w/Surge.

What does this mean?

When you deploy a contract, the contract will be verified, the artifacts, abis and address of the contract will be generated in the frontend, and the Svelte app will automatically have a predefined configuration so you can simply generate a signer and a contract instance, without the need to specify the contract abis or adress.

Where to start:

  • backend: Simple hardhat project, check out the scripts and config.
  • frontend: Svelte app with Tailwind CSS, check out configs and pages.

  1. Go at /backend/.env_examples and fill out the gaps, after that rename it to /backend/.env. Check out how thats used on hardhat.config.js and ./scripts/deploy.js.

  2. After that, customize the contract and your ./scripts/deploy.js ( specify name and constructor args of the contract ).

  3. Once youre done, there are a few cmds you can check out on the below seciton. Try running a hardhat node, and deploying the contract to this node.

    • npm run node and in another terminal npm run deploy-local.
  1. Lets go to our frontend, check ./App.svelte and ./components/Greeter.svelte for some sample code.

  2. You'll notice that you'll be able to access the CONTRACT_ABI, CONTRACT_ADDRESS, DEPLOYED_NETWORK, DEPLOYER_ADDRESS from constants.js, theres no need to change these values, since each time you deploy your contract with hardhat, backend/scripts/deploy.js will update these variables to the latest deployed contract, and you'll have direct access to them from these variables in your config/constanst/contract.js file.

  3. Run npm run dev to start the Vite dev server, try and tinker with the app!

  4. Once your frontend is ready, lets deploy it to the internet! Run npm run deploy, wait for the build to finish, think of a cool domain name, input it when surge asks you ( mydomain.surger.sh for example ), and tadaaa :D, your dapp is on the internet!! Here is my example: https://sveltegreeter.surge.sh.

Commands ( node scripts ):

  • backend:
    • npm run node: Runs a local hardhat node ( localhost network ).
    • npm run clean: Cleans artifacts.
    • npm run compile: Compiles contract.
    • npm run deploy-local: Deploys contract to local hardhat network.
    • npm run deploy-mumbai: Deploys and verifies contract to mumbai test network.
    • npm run deploy-goerli: Deploys and verifies contract to goerli test network.
    • npm run test: Runs hardhat tests ( runs files inside test/ ).
  • frontend:
    • npm run dev: Runs vite development server.
    • npm run preview: Runs vite development server, accessible from all devices connected to the network.
    • npm run build: Builds svelte app source code, exports to ./dist.
    • npm run surge: Runs Surge client, used to upload the ./dist folder on a surge web host, check current domains, etc.
    • npm run deploy: Runs npm build and surge, one in all command.
    • npm run lint: Runs linter.

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