

A Starknet starter dapp built with Svelte and Vite


A Starknet starter dapp built with Svelte and Vite

Deployed at It uses this ERC20 contract.

Getting started

Just run yarn to install dependencies, and yarn dev to run the app, on http://localhost:5173.

Using stores

This starter contains several stores that help you interact with Starknet.

An example is the connectStore:

{#if $connectStore.idle}
    on:click={() => connectStore.connectWallet()}
    Connect wallet
{:else if $connectStore.loading}
  <p>Connecting wallet...</p>

You can also create a contract instance store, and provide a name. The instance will be kept in a store, and can be accessed from anywhere in the app.

// App.svelte
<script lang="ts">
  contractStore("testERC20", {
      contractAddress: CONTRACT_ADDRESS,
      abi: ERC20,
      providerOrAccount: $accountStore.account,

<script lang="ts">
  const contract = $contractsStore.testERC20;

  $$account.address, 1)

In the same way, you can track the balance of a given token. It will also get added to a store, so you can interact with it elsewhere.

// Component A
<script lang="ts">
  let bal = balance("testERC20", {
    contract: $contractsStore.testERC20,

  {#if $bal.loading}
    <p>Loading balance...</p>
  {#if $bal.success}
    ERC20 Balance: {$bal.balance}

// Component B
<script lang="ts">
  function refreshBalance() {

You can use the transactionHandler to track the status of a transaction. It creates a store with reactive values for pending, success, etc.

<script lang="ts">
  const tx = transactionHandler();
  const contract = $contractsStore.testERC20;

  async function mint() {
    await tx.waitFor(() =>
      $$account.address, 1)

  {#if $tx.pending}
  {:else if $tx.error}
    <p>Something went wrong!</p>
  {:else if $tx.success}

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