
Near Counter Dapp

A counter dapp on NEAR using Svelte

NEAR Counter Dapp

A simple counter dapp written with Svelte and Rust, running on NEAR

Tech Used

  • Svelte as a component framework
  • Tailwind as a CSS framework
  • Rust to write smart contracts for deployment on NEAR
  • NEAR as the blockchain platform our Svelte front-end communicates with.

Running Example


How to Build

Smart Contract

The contract must be built and deployed separately from the front-end of the dapp. The near-sdk is used to build the smart contract, while the NEAR CLI is used to deploy it onto the chain. You must create an account first

  1. Pre-requisites of compiling the smart contract

  2. Pre-requisites of deploying the smart contract to the chain

  3. From the near-counter directory, build by running:

    env RUSTFLAGS='-C link-arg=-s' cargo build --target wasm32-unknown-unknown --release
  4. Login with the account you wish to deploy to:

    near login
  5. From the near-counter directory, deploy by running:

    near deploy --wasmFile target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/rust_counter_tutorial.wasm --accountId YOUR_ACCOUNT_HERE

    where YOUR_ACCOUNT_HERE is the account you previously logged into


There are several environmental variables used while building the front-end. The defaults can be seen in the .env.defaults file and can be overwritten either with environmental variables or by a .env file in the base directory. The descriptions of the variables are:

  • CONTRACT_ACCOUNT: The account id you will be deploying the contract to
  • APP_NAME: The name of your application
  • VIEW_METHODS: Space delimited string of your contract's view methods (methods that don't change state/require gas)
  • CHANGE_METHODS: Space delimited string of your contract's call methods (methods that change state/require gas)

Once the environmental variables are set (or the defaults are used), the front-end can be built:

  1. Install the dependencies:
    npm i
  2. Create a production build:
    npm run build
    you can also serve a development environment with live reloading using:
    npm run dev
    or serve a build with:
    npm run start

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