Svelte Tezos Template

A Svelte template to build awesome dapps on Tezos!

This template comes with all the good stuff you need to start building a dapp on Tezos:

  • Svelte v.3
  • Webpack v.5
  • TypeScript v.3
  • Sass v.5
  • Taquito v.8
  • Beacon SDK v.2

To use it:

  1. git clone
  2. cd svelte-tezos-template
  3. npm install
  4. npm run dev

Here are a few tips if you are new to creating web apps in Svelte or in general:

  • Add new Svelte components in the src folder, either next to the App.svelte or in a new folder, for example, components
  • Add new Sass files in the styles folder and import them either in the index.scss file with @import "./myfile.scss" or directly into the main.ts file just under import "./styles/index.scss";

Please leave comments for new features and open issues if you have any problem!

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