Sveltekit Landing Daisy
A landing page template with various persistent themes using SvelteKit, Tailw…
Sveltekit Shiki Code Highlighting
SvelteKit Shiki syntax highlighting: use any VSCode colour theme to accessibl…
Sveltekit Boilerplate
A SvelteKit starter project with Tailwiindcss, Tailus Themer and Melt-UI inst…
Sveltekit Local Storage
Using Local Storage in SvelteKit: taking the example of setting a site theme,…
Sveltekit Theme Toggler
A theme toggler project using SvelteKit. Theme support is made available with…
Minimal Sveltekit Pocketbase
A minimalistic SvelteKit (Svelte 5 in Runes mode) and PocketBase starter temp…
Flowbite Sveltekit Admin Dashboard
An implementation of the open-source theme flowbite-admin-dashboard in SvelteKit
Garlic Messaging Theme
A free and open-source messaging app theme built with SvelteKit and TailwindCSS.
Svelte Hacker News Demo
A SvelteKit spa that demos fetching news from the hacker's news and a bootstr…