Sveltekit Landing Daisy
A landing page template with various persistent themes using SvelteKit, Tailw…
Sveltekit Shiki Code Highlighting
SvelteKit Shiki syntax highlighting: use any VSCode colour theme to accessibl…
Sveltekit Boilerplate
A SvelteKit starter project with Tailwiindcss, Tailus Themer and Melt-UI inst…
Sveltekit Local Storage
Using Local Storage in SvelteKit: taking the example of setting a site theme,…
Sveltekit Theme Toggler
A theme toggler project using SvelteKit. Theme support is made available with…
Svelte Tailwind Darkmode
Template sveltekit + tailwindcss + shadcn sveltekit with dark mode theme powe…
Tailwindcss V4 Sveltekit Theme Switcher Example
An example of switching themes in SvelteKit using Tailwind CSS v4!
Flowbite Sveltekit Admin Dashboard
An implementation of the open-source theme flowbite-admin-dashboard in SvelteKit
Garlic Messaging Theme
A free and open-source messaging app theme built with SvelteKit and TailwindCSS.
Sveltekit Huggingface
A pirate-themed chatbot using Gemma2 9B-it via Groq, Vercel AI SDK, and Svelt…
Svelte Hacker News Demo
A SvelteKit spa that demos fetching news from the hacker's news and a bootstr…