Yuyutsu Sveltekit Theme

A minimal Sveltekit markdown theme with a sidebar.

Usage (might change in the future)

  • fork the repo.
  • run npm install to install all the dependencies.
  • run npm run dev to start a dev server.
  • run npm run build to build the production site.
  • the theme uses @sveltejs/adapter-vercel but you can change it if you're using a different platform to host the site.


  • minimal layout with a nice sidebar.
  • markdown blog posts and pages with layout support.
  • categorize blog posts
  • basic search engine optimization



  • use mdsvex for all pages/posts
  • paginate posts
  • style html elements (links, buttons, images, table, iframe etc)
  • SEO
  • a darkmode switch
  • ready to host on Vercel


  • fork the repo
  • make changes and create a pull request



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