
A dead simple way to implement a dark theme toggle in your Svelte/SvelteKit application.



npm i svelte-theme-toggle


Import the package in <script> in a svelte component and then declare it in the body.

    import ThemeToggle from "svelte-theme-toggle";

    <!-- Some Stuff here -->
    <ThemeToggle />
    <!-- Some other stuff here -->

Set styles

Use the following parameters in your global styles to actually change the colors on theme change

:root {
        --bg: #fff;
        --text-color: #000;

:global([data-theme="dark"]) {
        --bg: #121212;
        --text-color: #fff;

:global(body) {
        background-color: var(--bg);
        color: var(--text-color);
        transition: ease 0.5s;  /* Change the transition time by altering this property */

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