Svelte Testing Library
šæļø Simple and complete Svelte DOM testing utilities that encourage good testiā¦
Svelte Component Test Recipes
Svelte component test recipes using Vitest & Testing Library with TypeScript
Kotlin Jooby Svelte Template
App template using Kotlin + Jooby + Svelte + Selenide, including how to writeā¦
Svelte Typescript Setups
Examples and tests of different bundler setups for Svelte with Typescript andā¦
Svelte Component Livereload Template
Svelte component template with LiveReload and Jest unit testing
Svelte Todo With Jest Tests
A minimal Todo app that demonstrates how to test a Svelte app with Jest and Sā¦
Svelte Vite Jest Template
Svelte template based on Vite's Svelte template, but includes unit testing seā¦
Svelte Email Tailwind
Code, preview and test-send email templates with Svelte and Tailwind classes ā¦
Sveltekit Accessibility Testing
Demo code for adding axe accessibility testing to SvelteKit using Playwright ā¦
Svelte Inline Component
Utility and vite plugin to allow to create your own inline svelte components ā¦