svelte-component-livereload-template Svelte Themes

Svelte Component Livereload Template

Svelte component template with LiveReload and Jest unit testing


Svelte Component Template

by @antony


  • Svelte 3
  • Automatic NPM Publish support
  • LiveReload
  • Unit testing with @testing-library/svelte and Jest
  • Fetch mocking for tests
  • Eslint (@beyonk) / "Standard" Linting


npx degit


Edit src/Component.svelte

npm run dev


npm run build


Tests are in test/*. Edit files here, and run:

npm run test


You can set a component name in package.json and publish as usual with npm publish.

However, see the following section to make your life a lot easier.

Continuous Deployment

You can set up CI/CD with CircleCI in two easy steps:

  • Head to CircleCI and add this project.
  • Add your NPM token as an environment variable called NPM_TOKEN in the org-global context.

Whenever you commit to master, tests and linting will be run.

Whenever you tag and push to git, a npm release will automatically be made:

npm version <patch|minor|major>
git push && git push --tags

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