Svelte Component Livereload Template
Svelte component template with LiveReload and Jest unit testing
Svelte Vite Jest Template
Svelte template based on Vite's Svelte template, but includes unit testing se…
Svelte Vite Unity Threejs
Three.js example using Unity scene from unity-to-json with Svelte and Vite
Svelte Landing Template
Landing template made with SvelteKit and SkeletonDev. Supports i18n protocol …
Svelte Drizzle Starter
Svelte Project Setup with Drizzle as ORM, Cucumber.js for BDD, Vitest for Uni…
Laravel Swoole Websocket Svelte Ionic Unity Intergation
example of worked integration of swoole websockets with laravel swoole, ionic…
Sveltekit Uvu Testing
SvelteKit uvu testing: how you can easily add fast component and utility func…
Simple Cache Implementation
Svelte PSR-16 Simple Cache implementation provider for use in unit testing.
Event Dispatcher Implementation
Svelte PSR-14 Event Dispatcher implementation provider for use in unit testing.