Examples of different bundler setups for Svelte only, not Sapper.
I am on the quest to find the best bundler for Svelte. Why? Because development time is expensive. When writing code I want a tight feedback loop, easy setup and configuration, flexibility and small and efficient bundle size.
My Requirements
- It must be fast
- It must support Typescript
- It must support PostCSS
- It must produce small and efficient bundles
- It must produce correct sourcemaps for debugging
- It should support HMR (Hot Module Replacement)
Test App
For the purpose of testing I created a simple Svelte app. Its functionality is simple. You press a button and it fetches a random Kanye West tweet from Kanye as a Service.

The app might be simple, maybe even naïve, but it has a few interesting parts.
- Svelte components in Typescript. I want to see if transpiling and type checking works correctly for TS.
- External Svelte library. Not all bundlers support libraries written in Svelte efficiently.
- External library dependency. I want to see if Vite supports tree shaking when bundling for production.
- Extenal Assets. It should be possible to import SVG, PNG, JSON and other external assets in our code.
- PostCSS with TailwindCSS. A good bundler should make it easy to work with SASS and PostCSS.
- Business components in Typescript. Typescript is here to stay. A good bundler should support it out-of-the-box.
There is more!
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