Svelte Preprocess Cssmodules
Svelte preprocessor to generate CSS Modules classname on Svelte components
Svelte Subcomponent Preprocessor
A Svelte preprocessor for writing more than one component per file.
Svelte Preprocessor Fetch
A preprocessor for Svelte can be used to fetch data before the component is c…
Svelte Client Components
Preprocessor for svelte that allows you to annotate a component as a client c…
Svelte Preprocess Css Global
A Svelte preprocessor to create global prefixed css and support for postcss.
Glory Svelte Preprocess
A svelte preprocess for safely minimizing CSS class footprint for unbeliveabl…
Svelte Mutable Stores
A Svelte preprocessor that replaces store mutable assignments with immer updates
Svelte Classlist Preprocess
This is a svelte preprocessor that allows you to use an array inside the clas…
Sveltekit Vanilla Extract
Using vanilla-extract with SvelteKit: how you can make zero-runtime styleshee…
Svelte Rxd Preprocessor
Wrap svelte reactive statements with custom events to allow devtools to detec…