Svelte Preprocess Cssmodules
Svelte preprocessor to generate CSS Modules classname on Svelte components
Sapper Typescript Graphql Template
A template that includes Sapper for Svelte, TypeScript preprocessing, and a G…
Sapper Postcss Template
A template that includes Sapper for Svelte and PostCSS preprocessing with Tai…
Svelte Subcomponent Preprocessor
A Svelte preprocessor for writing more than one component per file.
Svelte Preprocessor Fetch
A preprocessor for Svelte can be used to fetch data before the component is c…
Svelte Electron Better Sqlite3 Starter
An starter to build Electron apps with Svelte and Better SQLite3
Glory Svelte Preprocess
A svelte preprocess for safely minimizing CSS class footprint for unbeliveabl…
Svelte Preprocess Config
Explanation & Guide how to make work together Svelte-Preprocess and Svelte Li…
Svelte Sequential Preprocessor
A Svelte preprocessor that wraps preprocessors to force them to be called seq…
Svelte Image Preprocessing Clodinary
Pre-process svelte markup to replace images source for cloudinary remote with…
Svelte Classlist Preprocess
This is a svelte preprocessor that allows you to use an array inside the clas…