Svelte Express Boilerplate
Boilerplate for developing full stack apps with Express and Svelte.js 📦
Full Stack Svelte Expenses Tracker
Full stack application with express js, mongodb, svelte and node js https://e…
Svelte Spa Template
🚧 An easy-to-use Svelte SPA template! (Svelte + Typescript + Parcel + Express…
Full Stack Starter Svelte Express App
A starting place for a full stack app with Svelte and an application server u…
A boilerplate with Svelte,, Express, TypeScript, and shared types/c…
Sveltekit Express Google Auth
A web-app template featuring a SvelteKit frontend and Express backend, with P…
Ai Chatbot Openai Sveltekit Boilerplate 1
A Template and quickstarter boilerplate for integrating any OpenAi API with S…
Hanko Svelte Express Starter
Svelte-Express example app showcasing Hanko integration for authentication an…
Express Svelte Template
Template for building basic applications with Express backend and Svelte fron…
Sveltekit Socketio Express
My boilerplate code for a Sveltekit app with Express and SocketIO and a grail…