ExSvel is a project that aims to provide a simple and easy way to create a web application using Svelte and Express.
The reason i built this is for my own personal project, because i need a simple, fast, and easy way to create a web application. And also stable, secure and reliable.
I want to make it easy for start a new project, so you can just download this as archive (.zip, .tar.gz, etc...) or just clone a git repository
you can clone this repository and start your project with the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/gaibz/exsvel.git
You need to have Node.js installed on your machine.
To install the project dependencies, run the following command:
npm install
cp env .env
Generate a JWT Secret Key, the key should be used in the .env
file on line APP_JWT_SECRET
node command.js jwt_secret
To run the servers, run the following command:
npm run start:server
The project has the following directory structure:
/-- public (For static files)
/-- server (For server-side code)
/-- actions (For server-side actions)
/-- libraries (For server-side libraries)
/-- commands (For Listed Command Generated)
/-- databases (For Database specific action (Model, seeder, migration)
/-- drivers (For Framework Specific driver)
/-- ui (For client-side code)
This framework comes with a command
that you can use to generate a new component, build automation, etc.. List of available commands are :
node command.js
Example for Command Usage :
node command.js migration:create create_users_table
This Project uses sequelize as the ORM. You can check it out on the sequelize documentation on Sequelize
query should be look like : http://localhost:3000/api/v1/someaction?page=1&per_page=10&sort_by=id:desc&search=hello+world&filter[field]=value&filter[another_field]=another_value,another_value2&fields=field,another_field&filter[greater_than_field]=:gt:10&filter[less_than_field]=:lt:10&filter[greater_than_or_equal_field]=:gte:10&filter[less_than_or_equal_field]=:lte:10&filter[like_field]=:like:hello
You can use built in function to parse the query to standard query for Modeling..
// In your action file :
const {parseIntoModelQuery, parseQueryString} = require("./server/drivers/QueryParser")
// .... inside index function
// in case you want to define searchable columns
let searchable_columns = ['searchable_1', 'searchable_2'];
// in case you want to strict the where (cannot customized by user)
let append_where = {
some_field : 'some_value'
let model_query = parseIntoModelQuery(this.getFullUrl(req), searchable_columns, append_where);
//.... Done
// the query object will now look like this
model_query = {
where: {
field: 'value',
another_field: { [Symbol(in)]: [Array] },
greater_than_field: { [Symbol(gt)]: '10' },
less_than_field: { [Symbol(lt)]: '10' },
greater_than_or_equal_field: { [Symbol(gte)]: '10' },
less_than_or_equal_field: { [Symbol(lte)]: '10' },
like_field: { [Symbol(like)]: '%hello%' },
[Symbol(or)]: [ [Object], [Object] ]
limit: 10,
offset: 0,
order: [ [ 'id', 'desc' ] ]
// which is ready to be used in sequelize model
// Example of using the query in sequelize model
const YourModel = require("./server/models/YourModel");
YourModel.findAll(query).then((result) => {
// do something with the result
generate action with model (For faster CRUD)command.js
generate action with middleware (For simplicity auth)