Svelte + Express template app


Svelte + Svelte Router + Bootstrap + Express + dotenv

This package purpose is to provide a Svelte app template and an Express API bundled together. The Svelte application is not SSR.


Well, first, Svelte is the most amazing JS framework I ever used for a frontend application.

My aim was to be able to bundle into a single package the front and backend application, with the same environment.

In my use case, SSR was not convenient because I needed to make several calls to a backend API into the same page. I have considered to use Sapper, which is also amazing, was is not enough open for now, as I needed to manipulate routes, handle POST requests on the server, handling forms etc ...

Quick start

Use npx to create a new application.

npx degit jlefebure/svelte-express-template my-app 

Once done, install all dependencies

npm install

Run your new application with the following command

npm run dev

By default, the app is running on This behaviour can be configured with environment variables (see bellow).


Root package

The template package is organized by separating frontend and server applications.

├── rollup.config.js
├── src
|   ├── client
|   └── server
|   └── app.mjs
    └── settings.mjs
  • client folder contains sources of the Svelte application
  • server folder contains sources of the Express application
  • app.mjs start the Express server that will start the Express app and expose the public folder where the Svelte app is compiled by default
  • settings.mjs contains the settings of the application for both front and back applications


├── client
|   ├── components
|   ├── pages
|   ├── services
|   ├── stores
|   ├── main.js
|   ├── App.svelte
  • components contains all commons components of the client app
  • pages contains all pages defined set in the router
  • services contains exposed functions to call the Express server
  • stores contains the exposed stores for the whole app
  • main.js is the start point of the client app
  • App.svelte contains the router, navbar, and is the main component of the app


├── server
|   ├── routes
|       ├── index.mjs

Contains just a single file: the exposed endpoints.


Configuration of the application is handled with dotenv and dotenv-expand. Configuration is available for the Express and Svelte application. Because the Svelte application is not SSR, env variables are injected when Rollup is launched and after every compilation.

Basic configuration

Configuration is done with dotenv with an embedded .env file. You can either edit this file or override this configuration by setting an environment variable.

The keys bellow are mandatory and must be configured.

Variable Default value Description
SVELTE_PORT 3000 Port on which the app and the API is exposed.
SVELTE_EXTERNAL_URL${SVELTE_PORT} URL on which the application is exposed.
This value is by the client to fetch data from the API.
SVELTE_API_BASE_URL /api Base URL on which the server API is exposed.
Trailing slash is deleted if present.
SVELTE_CLIENT_BASE_URL / Base URL on which the frontend client is exposed.
Trailing slash is deleted if present.

You can override this configuration by setting an environment variable. The following example set the default port to 5000.

export SVELTE_PORT=5000

Own configuration

You can define your own variables by completing the .env file. The configuration must follow two rules :

  • It must be defined and cannot be empty
  • The name must start by SVELTE_

Variables defined directly on the environment are also taken in consideration if it follow these two rules.

Using configuration in client

Because Svelte app is not SSR, variables are directly injected by the rollup-replace-plugin. To avoid ambiguous syntax, the key must be respect the following format. For the SVELTE_PORT variable :


These variables can be used everywhere in the application, mostly in strings values. Fetch calls that are good examples that you can follow. This call will be compiled from

 return fetch(`%SVELTE_EXTERNAL_URL%%SVELTE_API_BASE_URL%/hello`, {
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"


 return fetch(``, {
        headers: {
            "Content-Type": "application/json"

Using configuration in server

Because the Express application is ... a server application, you can directly use variables in your code.

import settings from "./settings.mjs";

//value is "/"
let baseUrl = settings.SVELTE_CLIENT_BASE_URL      
  • settings.mjs must be imported
  • The configuration key should be defined. Otherwise, its value will be undefined


The Rollup configuration will compiled the Svelte application into public folder and start the express server. Nothing exotic here.


You can either deploy your future application in standalone mode or as a Docker container.

Standalone mode

Just take all your project and run the following commands, to install depdencies, build and run your project.

npm install
npm run build
npm start


A Dockerfile is provided with the template app. It will take your project, install dependencies, and run the application

To build your image, in your project folder

docker build . -t myapp

To run your application

docker run -p 3000:3000 myapp

To push it on a distant repository (considering your are logged on the Docker registry)

docker push myapp

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