Day28: Server-side Deployments
- Deploy your Todo list backedn to Vercel!
Generate a tsconfig for your express server with npx tsc --init
Learned about our two main options:
- SQL , the very strict and reliable but more complicated one, and
- MongoDB, the very relaxed and easier but less reliable one
and we decided to go with MongoDb via firebase to start!
- Create a Cloud Firestore in Firebase, or Supabase, and change your Todolist to store and get todos from the real database instead!
- Put the firebase config stuff into environment variables tob e secure!
DaisyUI, Tailwind, and the start of our boring but necessary Todo App that will grow to help us learn databases and security!
- a Svelte app with an Express backend, jsut like the previous homework (Videogames app), but for a TODO list using DaisyUI/Tailwind.
How to set up tailwind/daisy with svelte? HEre:
You should have: