Golang Sveltekit Template
A scalabe project template to use a ms svelte frontend in a fiber golang binary
Learn Push2 With Svelte
Learn chords, scales, and music theory on the Push 2, right inside your web b…
Eslint Plugin Project Structure
ESLint plugin with rules to help you achieve a scalable, consistent, and well…
Threejs Instancing Images
Visualizing images at scale in 3D space in the browser using an image atlas /…
Svelte Kit Cloudflare D1 Example
Building performant, scalable web apps with global CDN capabilities. Example …
Sveltekit Trpc Starter
A modern full-stack template using SvelteKit, tRPC, Prisma, and PWA support. …
Sveltekit Postgres Docker Boilerplate
Ready-to-use SvelteKit project template with Docker and PostgreSQL integratio…
First App With Sveltekit
SvelteKit is a web application framework that builds on top of the Svelte fra…
Boilerplate Nodejs Svelte
A lightweight and scalable boilerplate for building modern web applications u…
Svelte Learn Platform
A modern learning platform developed using Svelte and Node.js. This project i…
A modern, high-performance Attorney Website built with SvelteKit and Astro, d…