:rocket: Sveltekit Starter Blog

Sveltekit Blog project created with Sveltekit, Typescript, Tailwindcss, Postcss, SCSS, Husky, ESLint, Prettier, Storybook, and MDSVEX.
The project has the SSR (Server Side Rendering) setup. These template is easy to configure and built upon as it has scalable structure.
:100: :fire: Project LightHouse Report

:bulb: Features
- [:heavy_check_mark:] Server side rendering built with SEO in mind.
- [:heavy_check_mark:] SSR + Blog Setup.
- [:heavy_check_mark:] Tailwindcss + Postcss + SCSS Syntax Support in Postcss.
- [:heavy_check_mark:] Global Style and Variable preconfigured for Postcss.
- [:heavy_check_mark:] StorybookJS preconfigured (with postcss support).
- [:heavy_check_mark:] Browser sync, auto refresh, auto reload.
- [:heavy_check_mark:] 100% on Google Speedpage and 100% Lighthouse report.
- [:heavy_check_mark:] Friendly and Scalable boilerplate.
- [:heavy_check_mark:] Typescript + TSPaths (absolute for imports in component) preconfigured.
- [:heavy_check_mark:] Prettiers, ESLint, and Husky preconfigured.
- [:heavy_check_mark:] Github and Vscode dotfiles preconfigured.
:hammer: Project Setup
npx degit navneetsharmaui/sveltekit-blog my-app
or Clone this repository.
npm install
or yarn install
or pnpm install
npm run dev
or yarn run dev
or pnpm run dev
npm run build:static:ssr
or yarn run build:static:ssr
or pnpm run build:static:ssr
npm run preview
or yarn run preview
or pnpm run preview
💫 License
- Code and Contributions have MIT License
Copyright (c) 2021 Navneet Sharma (@asnavneetsharma)