Scalable-Chat-App Svelte Themes

Scalable Chat App

A robust and scalable chat web application built on a modern tech stack. This project leverages Express.js, Socket.IO, Redis, Kafka, ZooKeeper, and MongoDB for backend infrastructure, while utilizing Svelte for a responsive and dynamic frontend.

ScalableChat: A Next-Gen Scalable Distributed Chat Application


ScalableChat is a sophisticated web application designed for real-time and scalable chat experiences. Leveraging a modern tech stack, it seamlessly combines backend and frontend technologies to provide a robust chat solution.

Tech Stack:

  • Backend: Express.js, Socket.IO, Redis, Kafka, ZooKeeper, MongoDB
  • Frontend: Svelte

Backend Technologies:

  • Express.js API: Empowering the backend, Express.js facilitates robust API handling, making it suitable for deployment across distributed systems.
  • Socket.IO: Enables real-time, bidirectional communication, creating dynamic and responsive chat interactions on the backend.
  • Redis: Acts as a message broker and caching solution, ensuring scalability and efficiency in handling chat messages.
  • Kafka and ZooKeeper: Utilized for distributed event streaming and system coordination, enhancing reliability in handling messages.
  • MongoDB: Serves as the backend database, providing reliable and persistent storage for chat messages.

Frontend Technologies:

  • Svelte Framework: Crafting the frontend with Svelte ensures a responsive and dynamic user interface, optimizing the user experience.


  • Real-time Communication: Enjoy a seamless and instantaneous chat experience facilitated by Socket.IO, enabling bidirectional communication between clients and the server.

  • Scalability: Achieve high scalability with a powerful combination of technologies. Redis serves as a fast and efficient message broker, Kafka facilitates distributed event streaming, and ZooKeeper effectively manages distributed systems.

  • Persistence: MongoDB takes the role of the backend database, providing a reliable and persistent storage solution for chat messages.

  • Efficiency: Redis plays a dual role, not only acting as a message broker but also efficiently caching frequently accessed data. This enhances overall system performance.

  • Modern Frontend: The frontend is crafted using Svelte, a lightweight and reactive JavaScript framework, ensuring a smooth and responsive user interface.

  • Real-time and Scalable Experience

    ScalableChat transcends traditional chat applications; it offers an immersive experience. The real-time nature ensures instant communication, while the scalable architecture effortlessly adapts to accommodate growing user bases.

  • Distributed System Architecture

    Designed as a distributed system, ScalableChat thrives on server independence, allowing it to seamlessly run on any server. This decentralization fosters a resilient and efficient communication model.

  • Redis for Optimal Caching

    Leveraging Redis for caching, ScalableChat ensures optimal performance. By storing frequently accessed data, it significantly reduces the load on the backend, enhancing overall system efficiency.

  • Pub/Sub with Redis

    Through Redis Pub/Sub, ScalableChat establishes a distributed pub/sub model, enabling real-time communication across all components of the system. Messages are broadcasted instantly, ensuring a synchronized experience for all users.

  • Kafka for Efficient Message Storage

    To address the challenge of storing bulk messages without burdening the backend, ScalableChat utilizes Kafka. This efficient solution manages the storage of bulk messages in MongoDB, significantly reducing backend queries and enhancing overall system performance.



Before running ScalableChat, ensure that the following dependencies are installed on your system. If not, follow the instructions below for installation.

1. Redis

Redis is used as a message broker and caching solution. Install Redis on your machine or use Docker for a quick setup.


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install redis-server


docker pull redis

2. Apache Kafka:


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install default-jre

# Download Kafka from
# Extract and run ZooKeeper and Kafka


docker pull confluentinc/cp-kafka

3. Zookeeper:




docker pull zookeeper

4. MongoDB:


sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mongodb


docker pull mongo

5. Installation:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone

  2. Install dependencies:

    cd scalable-chat-app && npm install
    cd public && npm install
  3. Run all Installed Prerequisites (Docker):

    docker run -p 27017:27017 mongo
    docker run -p 2181:2181 zookeeper
    docker run -p 6379:6379 redis/redis-stack-server:latest
    docker run -p 9092:9092 -e KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT=<IPv4-Address>:2181 -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://<IPv4-Address>:9092 -e KAFKA_OFFSETS_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR=1 confluentinc/cp-kafka
  4. Before Running the Project: Set Configuration

    • Before launching the ScalableChat project, it's essential to configure the project settings in .env based on your specific setup. ```bash

      API ENV'S

      WEB_API_PORT=8000 WEB_API_ALLOWED_ORIGIN=["http://localhost:5173", ""]




SOCKET_ALLOWED_ORIGIN=["http://localhost:5173", ""]

#REDIS ENV'S REDIS_CHANNEL="redis-message-channel"


5. Run Project :
node ./app/kafka/KafkaAdmin.js
node KafkaConsumerRunner.js 
node index.js
node ./app/Jobs/cron.js
cd ./public && npm run dev

To create a production version of your frontend (first goto public folder):

npm run build

You can preview the production build with npm run preview.

To deploy your frontend, you may need to install an adapter for your target environment.

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