🤖 Framework agnostic, type-safe store w/ reactive framework adapters
Simple framework agnostic UI router for SPAs
Customizable, extensible, accessible and framework agnostic media player. Mod…
Framework agnostic table component for editable data experience.
A little yet powerful framework agnostic headless library to zoom images on t…
Framework-agnostic state management library designed for simplicity and scala…
Framework agnostic library handling file uploads with progress, direct to AWS…
tansu is a lightweight, push-based framework-agnostic state management librar…
A framework-agnostic floating chat window component written in Svelte
The world fastest framework agonistic CSS-in-JS library. Available in any fro…
An experimental, framework agnostic, small (~3kB) contenteditable state manager.
Do-it-yourself, simple, framework agnostic i18n with type safety in under 100…
Framework-agnostic router for JavaScript single-page applications
Type-safe framework-agnostic Router, built with URLPattern & History API.
💻 Template for creating universal (framework agnostic) component (library) ba…
A framework-agnostic UI library which extends native HTML elements. Primarily…
Framework agnostic server side rendered components. Originally designed for u…
A framework-agnostic npm package for applying the text-behind-image effect in…
Utility methods for Sveltia products and beyond. Mostly framework-agnostic, b…