Ag Grid Svelte5 Extended
AG-Grid wrapper component for Svelte 5 (runes) with support for Svelte componā¦
Eslint Plugin Svelte Runes
A collection of lint rules to enforce best practices and prevent footguns of ā¦
Minimal Sveltekit Pocketbase
A minimalistic SvelteKit (Svelte 5 in Runes mode) and PocketBase starter tempā¦
Flowbite Svelte Next
Flowbite Svelte is a UI library built from scratch to leverage Svelte 5's runā¦
Svelte5 Pokepage
Svelte 5 runes + daisyUI + supabase ķģ©ķ ź°ģøė³ ķ¬ģ¼ėŖ¬ ģ¹“ė ģ”°ķ ģģ ģ±