ag-grid-svelte5-extended Svelte Themes

Ag Grid Svelte5 Extended

AG-Grid wrapper component for Svelte 5 (runes) with support for Svelte components as cell renderers

AG-Grid for Svelte 5

Demo page: The cell with the thermometer icon is a svelte component.

This builds on JohnMaher1/ag-grid-svelte5 with some additional features.

To use to use ag-grid with a framework you need to create an adaptor that follows this interface: IFrameworkOverrides. Ag-grid give no documentation on building a framework integration. This is the adaptor code for svelte 5: src/lib/SvelteFrameworkOverrides.svelte.ts


  • Fully svelte 5
  • Put any svelte component in a grid cell (see: cell renderers for context)
  • Reactive data updates (based on $state, just update the data prop supplied to the table)
  • Cell editing (nothing extra to do, will just work like updating the data).
  • Reactive grid options.


Always provide a getRowId function in initialOptions for optimal performance


npm install ag-grid-svelte5-extended


Copy and paste this into a svelte file for a very basic grid. (See demo page source for more extended example). The base packages (@ag-grid-community/*) are dependencies so will be installed along with this lib.

<script lang="ts">
    import { AgGrid } from "ag-grid-svelte5-extended";
    import { ClientSideRowModelModule } from "@ag-grid-community/client-side-row-model";
    import { themeQuartz } from "@ag-grid-community/theming";
    import {type GridOptions} from "@ag-grid-community/core"

    interface Person {
        id: string;
        name: string;
        age: number;

    let rowData = $state<Person[]>([
        { id: "1", name: "Jane", age: 25 },
        { id: "2", name: "Jimbo", age: 32 },
        { id: "3", name: "Jensen", age: 41 },

    const gridOptions: GridOptions = {
        columnDefs: [
            { field: "name" },
            { field: "age" }
        getRowId: (params) =>,
        theme: themeQuartz

    const modules = [ClientSideRowModelModule];

<div style="height: 200px; width: 640px; margin: 0 auto;">
    <AgGrid {gridOptions} {rowData} {modules} />

AgGrid Component

Prop Type Required Description
gridOptions GridOptions<TData> Yes AG-Grid options
rowData TData[] No Array of data to display
modules Module[] No AG-Grid modules to include
gridClass string No CSS class for grid (defaults to "ag-theme-quartz")
gridStyle string No Inline styles for grid container (defaults to "height: 100%;")
quickFilterText string No Text for quick filtering
sizeColumnsToFit boolean No Auto-size columns (default: true)
theme GridTheme No AG-Grid theme object

makeSvelteCellRendererhelper function

Can be ignored if you just want text in the grid. A utility function to create AG-Grid cell renderers from Svelte components. Takes a svelte component and optionally the class for the container div. It's given ICellRendererParams as props (with the cell's value as the value prop)

function makeSvelteCellRenderer(
    Component: Component<ICellRendererParams>,
    containerDivClass?: string
): ICellRenderer

makeSvelteCellRenderer Usage

(See demo page source for more extended example)


<div class="font-bold">{value}</div>

<script lang = "ts">
    import type { ICellRendererParams } from "@ag-grid-community/core";
    let { value }: ICellRendererParams = $props();


<script lang="ts" >
    import { makeSvelteCellRenderer } from "ag-grid-svelte5-extended";
    import CustomCell from "./CustomCell.svelte";

    const gridOptions = {
        columnDefs: [
                field: "name",
                cellRenderer: makeSvelteCellRenderer(CustomCell)

    // etc

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