lekko Svelte Themes


Lightweight Svelte router worthy the runes era


lekko Router is a simple and lightweight router for Svelte applications.


Install lekko Router, with your favourite package manager:

npm install lekko


pnpm add lekko


bun install lekko


Defining Routes

Create a routes.ts file to define your application routes:

import Home from "./Home.svelte";
import About from "./About.svelte";
import UserPage from './UserPage.svelte';
import Page404 from './404Page.svelte';
import { Router } from 'lekko';

const router = new Router([
    path: '/',
    component: Home
    path: '/about',
    component: About
    path: '/user/:id',
    component: UserPage
    path: '*', // Will match any route
    component: Page404
] as const);

Using the Router in Svelte

In your App.svelte file, import and use the router:

  import { router } from './routes.ts';
  $effect(() => {}); // You need to add at least one rune to you `app.svelte` for the router to update

<a href="/">Home</a>
<a href="/about">Home</a>

<router.page />

Using route params

import {router} from './routes.ts'

<div>user id is {router.params["id"]}</div>


Router Class

  • Constructor: new Router(routes: T)

    • routes: An array of route objects to initialize the router.
  • Methods:

    • goto(path: string): void: Navigate to a specified path.
    • replace(path: string): void: Replace the current path with a new one.
  • Properties:

    • routes: Get the array of defined routes.
    • params: Get the current URL parameters as a record.
    • page: Get the current page component.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. ``

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