svelte-5-kit-snippets Svelte Themes

Svelte 5 Kit Snippets

VS Code Snippets Collection for Svelte 5 & SvelteKit 2 (Runes, Stores, Superform, and More)

This collection of vs-code snippets is designed for developers using Svelte and SvelteKit. It offers reusable code templates to accelerate development and ensure consistent coding practices.

Snippets Documentation

Svelte Template:

We use sv or sv-prefix for basic svelte snippets.

Prefix Description
svcomp, sv-comp Creates a Svelte component with TypeScript - Basic structure with script tag.
svhead, sv-head Adds a svelte:head tag to manage HTML head content (meta tags, title, etc.).
svfe, sv-for-each Creates an #each loop to iterate over an array with a unique key per item.
svfee, sv-for-each-else #each loop with else block to handle empty array case.
svif, sv-if Simple #if conditional block for conditional rendering.
svife, sv-if-else #if conditional structure with else block for alternative handling.
svifeif, sv-if-else-if Complete conditional structure with #if, else if for multiple conditions.
sva, sv-await Asynchronous handling with #await to display different states (loading and result).
svas, sv-await-direct Simplified #await version that only displays the final result.
svatc, sv-await-then-catch Complete asynchronous handling with #await, then and catch for error management.
svkey, sv-key #key block to force component re-render when a value changes.
svon, sv-on-event Event handler on:event with custom handler function.
svonf, sv-on-event-forward Event forwarding to parent component.
svonmod, sv-on-event-modifiers Event handler with modifiers (preventDefault, stopPropagation, etc.).
svonei, sv-on-event-inline Inline event handler for simple actions directly in the template.
svb, sv-bind-value Simple two-way binding of a property (bind:property).
svbp, sv-bind-property Complete two-way binding between a property and a variable.
svbf, sv-bind-function Two-way binding with custom getter/setter functions.
svbb, sv-bind-block-level Binding of DOM element dimensions (width, height, etc.).
svbg, sv-bind-input-group Group binding for radio and checkbox inputs sharing the same value.
svbthis, sv-bind-this Direct reference to DOM element with bind:this.
svcl, sv-class Conditional CSS class addition based on an expression.
svcls, sv-class-short Short syntax for conditional class when name matches variable.
svuse, sv-use Use of a Svelte action to directly manipulate a DOM element.
svusep, sv-use-params Svelte action with parameters for custom configuration.
svtrans, sv-transition Simple transition animation (in, out, or both).
svtransp, sv-transition-params Transition animation with custom parameters.
svtransev, sv-transition-events Transition events handling (intro/outro start/end).
svtransl, sv-transition-local Local transition that only affects the targeted element.
svtransa, sv-transition-all Complete transition configuration with all possible parameters.
svdebug, sv-debug Debug point to inspect variables in the console.
svrchild, sv-render-children Optional rendering of child content with nullability handling.
svrsnip, sv-render-snippet Definition and rendering of a reusable snippet with parameters.
svsnip, sv-snippet Definition of a reusable snippet with parameters.

Svelte Kit:

We use sk or sk-prefix for svelte-kit snippets.

Prefix Description
skp, sk-page Creates a SvelteKit page component.
skpl, sk-page-load Defines a load function for fetching data in a SvelteKit page.
skpsl, sk-page-server-load Defines a server-side load function for a SvelteKit page.
skll, sk-layout-load Defines a load function for fetching data in a SvelteKit layout.
sklsl, sk-layout-server-load Defines a server-side load function for a SvelteKit layout.
ska, sk-page-actions Defines actions for handling form submissions in a SvelteKit page.
skhh, sk-hooks-handle Customizes the request handling process in SvelteKit.
skhf, sk-hooks-handle-fetch Customizes the fetch handling process in SvelteKit.
skhe, sk-hooks-handle-error Handles errors that occur during request processing in SvelteKit.
skrg, sk-request-get Handles GET requests in SvelteKit.
skrp, sk-request-post Handles POST requests in SvelteKit.
skrput, sk-request-put Handles PUT requests in SvelteKit.
skrd, sk-request-delete Handles DELETE requests in SvelteKit.

Svelte runes:

We use sr or sr-prefix for svelte runes snippets.

Prefix Description
srs, sr-state Svelte Runes State - Manages reactive state variables.
srsraw, sr-state-raw Svelte: Runes State raw - Directly manipulates raw state.
srd, sr-derived Svelte: Runes Derived - Creates a value derived from reactive states.
srdby, sr-derived-by Svelte: Runes Derived by - Derives a value using a custom function.
sre, sr-effect Svelte: Runes Effect - Runs a function on state changes.
srep, sr-effect-pre Svelte: Runes Effect - Runs a function before DOM updates.
srep, sr-effect-root Svelte: Runes Effect creates a non-tracked scope - Creates an effect without auto-cleanup.
srp, sr-props Svelte: Runes Props - Handles component properties with renaming.
srpid, sr-props-id Svelte: Runes props id - Gets the identifier of a prop.
srpbind, sr-props-bindable Svelte: Runes props bindable - Manages bindable reactive properties.

Svelte store:

We use ss or ss-prefix for svelte store snippets.

Prefix Description
ssw, ss-writable Creates a writable store with subscription, set and update methods for reactive state management.
ssr, ss-readable Creates a readable store with start/stop functionality for read-only reactive values.
sscget, ss-context-get Retrieves a value from component context using getContext - useful for component communication.
sscset, ss-context-set Sets a value in component context using setContext - for passing data down component tree.

Svelte superform & formsnap & zod:

We use sf or sf-prefix for svelte superform snippets.

Prefix Description
sfla, sf-load-actions Creates SvelteKit load function and form actions with SuperForms validation using Zod schema.
sfv, sf-validation Creates a Zod schema for form validation with SuperForms, including TypeScript type.
sft, sf-template Sets up SuperForms client-side validation and form handling with TypeScript support.

❤️ Contributors

This project was initiated and is maintained by ThonyMg. I am available for freelance work on Svelte and VueJs projects. Feel free to reach out through my Linkedin profile for collaboration opportunities.

⚖️ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License. For more details, see the LICENSE file.

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