Tony's Apizza

Example POS for a pizza shop. Built using Stripe Terminal, SvelteKit and Prisma.

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  • Contactless and dippable payments using Stripe Terminal.
  • Responsive keypad using CSS grid.
  • Quick add buttons for purchasing common products.
  • Basic tax computation for taxable products.
  • Order and product data using postgres.


First, install dependencies:

pnpm install

Create a .env.development file, and set up you Stripe private key:

cp .env.example .env.development

Create the Postgres database:

pnpm db:create

Set up the database schema:

pnpm db:push

Load the fake product data:

pnpm db:seed

Create a simulated reader

To test card payments in dev mode, Stripe provides simulated readers.

To create a simulated reader, first create a location. This tells stripe where the terminal will be used:

> stripe terminal locations create --display-name=store1 \
    -d "address[line1]=123 Main St." \
    -d "address[city]=New Haven" \
    -d "address[state]=CT" \
    -d "address[country]=US" \
    -d "address[postal_code]=10000"
    "id": "tml_abcd1234",

Then, create a simulated reader at that location:

> stripe terminal readers create --location=tml_abcd1234 \
    "id": "tmr_abcd1234",

Copy the ID's for the location and reader (they start with tml_ & tmr_) and paste them into the .env.development under the keys STRIPE_LOCATION_ID & STRIPE_TERMINAL_ID.


Run the dev server:

pnpm dev

Forward all Stripe events to the local webhook handler:

stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/stripe/events

If you'd like to inspect data, open Prisma Studio and visit http://localhost:5555

pnpm db:studio


In the real world, you might want to add a few more things:

  • Authentication of cashiers
  • Support for multiple readers and stations
  • Support for tipping
  • Support for cash and cash drawers
  • Receipt printing and integration with thermal printer
  • A barcode scanner
  • Ability to issue a refund



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