Sveltekit Package Template
A barebones project that provides the essentials for writing highly-optimized…
Optimized Dev Bubble Pop
Starter files and stepped solutions for The Optimized Dev Svelte Bubble Pop t…
Sveltekit Typescript Static Boilerplate
Boilerplate for SvelteKit projects in TypeScript, optimized for SSG
Sveltekit Typescript Cloudflare Boilerplate
Boilerplate for SvelteKit projects in TypeScript, optimized for Cloudflare Pages
Uniswap Calldata Optimization Monorepo
A full-stack snippet to demonstrate how to implement front-end part when doin…
Svelte Vercel Optimized Images
This project demonstrates how you might configure Vercel to generate optimize…
Real Time Chat System using Svelte, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS. Optimized the p…
Company Profile Svelte
A dynamic and responsive company profile built with Svelte, featuring section…
A modern e-commerce website built with SvelteKit and Supabase, offering a fas…
A modern, high-performance Attorney Website built with SvelteKit and Astro, d…