svelte-axios-plus Svelte Themes

Svelte Axios Plus

A Svelte-optimized Axios wrapper that provides reactive request handling, built-in caching, and simplified state management for HTTP requests.


A Svelte-optimized Axios wrapper that provides reactive request handling, built-in caching, and simplified state management for HTTP requests.



npm install axios svelte-axios-plus

axios is a peer dependency and needs to be installed explicitly


Version 2.x.x of svelte-axios-plus is built for Svelte 5.

Users running Svelte 4 applications should continue using the latest 1.x.x version of svelte-axios-plus.

Full documentation for v1 is available in the v1 Readme.


<script lang="ts">
    import axiosPlus from 'svelte-axios-plus';

    const { req, refetch } = axiosPlus('');

{#if req.loading}
{:else if req.error}
    <button onclick={() => refetch()}>Refetch</button>
    <pre>{JSON.stringify(, null, 2)}</pre>




The package exports one default export and named exports:

import axiosPlus, {
} from 'svelte-axios-plus';

axiosPlus(url | config | (() => url | config), options? | () => options)

The main function to execute HTTP requests.


  • url|config - String URL or axios request config
  • options - Configuration object
    • manual (default false) - Controls automatic request execution on component render. Use the refetch function returned when invoking axiosPlus to execute the request manually.
    • useCache (default true) - Enables/disables request caching. It doesn't affect the refetch function returned by axiosPlus.
    • autoCancel ( true ) - Controls automatic cancellation of pending requests

Default caching behavior can interfere with test isolation. See testing section.


An object with the following properties:

  • req - Request state object
    • data - Response data from the axios success response
    • loading - Current request status (true if the request is in progress, otherwise false)
    • error - Error details if request failed
    • response - Complete success response object
  • refetch(configOverride?, options?) - Manual request execution
    • config - Same config object as axios, which is shallow-merged with the config object provided when invoking axiosPlus.
    • options.useCache (default false) - Enables/disables request caching
    • Returns: A promise containing the response. If the request is unsuccessful, the promise rejects and the rejection must be handled manually.
  • cancel() - Cancels pending requests
  • reset(force?) - Resets the request state to its initial state
    • force (default false) - Forces a reset even if the request is in progress by cancelling the pending request


Resets all configuration options back to default values.

Default values:

  • axios - StaticAxios instance
  • cache - new LRUCache({ max: 500, ttl: 1000 * 60 })
  • defaultOptions - {manual: false, useCache: true, autoCancel: true}
  • defaultLoadOptions - {useCache: true}


Configures the axiosPlus instance with custom options.


  • axios - Custom Axios instance or Axios-like client
  • cache - LRU cache instance or false to disable caching
  • defaultOptions - Default options for all requests. It will be merged with the out of the box default options.
    • manual - Controls automatic request execution on component render. Use the refetch function returned when invoking axiosPlus to execute the request manually.
    • useCache - Enables/disables request caching. It doesn't affect the refetch function returned by axiosPlus.
    • autoCancel - Controls automatic cancellation of pending requests
  • defaultLoadOptions - Default options for load function
    • useCache - Enables/disables request caching


Clears the current LRU cache if caching is enabled.

load(url|config, options?)

Performs a one-time request with optional caching.


  • url|config - String URL or axios request config
  • options.useCache (default true) - Enables/disables request caching


A promise with the following properties:


Returns the current configured options.


An object with the following properties:

  • axios - Current Axios instance
  • cache - Current LRU cache instance or false if disabled
  • defaultOptions - Default options configuration
  • defaultLoadOptions - Default load options configuration


Creates a new axiosPlus instance with optional initial configuration.


  • axios - Custom Axios instance or Axios-like client
  • cache - LRU cache instance or false to disable caching
  • defaultOptions - Default options for all requests. It will be merged with the out of the box default options.
    • manual - Controls automatic request execution on component render. Use the refetch function returned when invoking axiosPlus to execute the request manually.
    • useCache - Enables/disables request caching. It doesn't affect the refetch function returned by axiosPlus.
    • autoCancel - Controls automatic cancellation of pending requests
  • defaultLoadOptions - Default options for load function
    • useCache - Enables/disables request caching


Preconfigured axiosPlus instance with the same methods as the package's named exports but limited to the axiosPlus instance returned by makeAxiosPlus.



Unless provided via the configure function, svelte-axios-plus uses the following defaults:

  • axios - StaticAxios instance
  • cache - new LRUCache({ max: 500, ttl: 1000 * 60 })
  • defaultOptions - {manual: false, useCache: true, autoCancel: true}
  • defaultLoadOptions - {useCache: true}

These defaults may not suit your needs, for example:

  • you may want a common base url for axios requests
  • the default cache size and ttl may not be a suitable default
  • you want to disable caching altogether

In such cases you can use the configure function to provide your custom implementation of both.

<script lang="ts">
    import axiosPlus, { configure } from 'svelte-axios-plus';
    import { LRUCache } from 'lru-cache';
    import Axios from 'axios';

    const axios = Axios.create({
        baseURL: ''

    const cache = new LRUCache({ max: 10 });

    configure({ axios, cache }); // configure globally
    axiosPlus.configure({ axios, cache }); // configure per instance


Manual Requests

On the client, requests are executed when the component renders using the Svelte $effect rune.

This may be undesirable, as in the case of non-GET requests. By using the manual option you can skip the automatic execution of requests and use the return value of axiosPlus to execute them manually, optionally providing configuration overrides to axios.

In the example below we use axiosPlus twice. Once to load the data when the component renders, and once to submit data updates via a PUT request configured via the manual option.

<script lang="ts">
    import axiosPlus from 'svelte-axios-plus';

    const { req: getReq } = axiosPlus('');

    const { req: putReq, refetch } = axiosPlus(
            url: '',
            method: 'PUT'
        { manual: true }

    async function updateData() {
        try {
            await refetch({
                data: {
                    updatedAt: new Date().toISOString()
        } catch (error) {
            // Handle errors

{#if getReq.loading || putReq.loading}
{#if getReq.error || putReq.error}

    <button onclick={updateData}>Update data</button>
    <pre>{JSON.stringify( ||, null, 2)}</pre>


Manual Cancellation

The cancel function allows you to terminate pending requests, whether initiated automatically or through the refetch method.

In the example below we use axiosPlus with its automatic and manual requests. We can call the cancellation programmatically or via controls.

<script lang="ts">
    import axiosPlus from 'svelte-axios-plus';

    let pagination: Record<string, number> = $state({ per_page: 6, page: 1 });
    const { req, refetch, cancel } = axiosPlus(() => ({
        url: '',
        params: pagination

    function handleFetch() {
        pagination = { ...pagination, page: + 1 };

    async function externalRefetch() {
        try {
            await refetch();
        } catch (error) {
            // Handle errors

    <button onclick={handleFetch}>Refetch</button>
    <button onclick={externalRefetch}>External Refetch</button>
    <button disabled={!req.loading} onclick={cancel}>Cancel Request</button>
    {#if req.loading}
    <pre>{JSON.stringify(, null, 2)}</pre>


Server Side Rendering

For server-side requests containing sensitive data like API keys, use the async load function instead of axiosPlus. This integrates with SvelteKit's server-side data loading pattern.

In Svelte you can load data for your page via the +page.server.ts file. The logic inside that file is only executed on the server. You can read more about that topic over here.

  1. Create a +page.server.ts file for your route

    import axiosPlus from 'svelte-axios-plus';
    interface PageServerLoad {
        (): Promise<{
            rdata: any;
            error: string;
    export const load: PageServerLoad = async () => {
        const { data, error, response } = await axiosPlus.load('');
        return {
            rdata: data,
            error: JSON.stringify(error, null, 2)
    export const ssr = true;
    export const csr = false;


  2. Access data in +page.svelte

    <script lang="ts">
        interface Props {
            data: {
                rdata: any;
                error: string;
        let { data }: Props = $props();
    <pre>Data: {JSON.stringify(data.rdata, null, 2)}</pre><p>Error: {data.error}</p>


Multiple Hook Instances

For applications requiring different API configurations or caching strategies, makeAxiosPlus enables creation of independent axiosPlus instances.

This factory function returns a configured axiosPlus instance based on provided configuration.

Tip Use this to create pre-configured instances as an alternative to the global configure function.

<script lang="ts">
    import axios from 'axios';
    import { makeAxiosPlus } from 'svelte-axios-plus';

    const customAxiosPlus = makeAxiosPlus({
        axios: axios.create({ baseURL: '' })

    const { req, refetch } = customAxiosPlus('/users?delay=1');

{#if req.loading}
{#if req.error}

    <button onclick={() => refetch()}>Refetch</button>
    <pre>{JSON.stringify(, null, 2)}</pre>



While axiosPlus is not inherently reactive to argument changes, you can enable reactivity through:

  • Lazy evaluation
  • The $derived rune
  • An $effect rune with the refetch function

For detailed information on Svelte function reactivity, refer to:

Notable Feature: When using an options state object with axiosPlus, changes to this object automatically trigger reactive updates by default (see example below).

<script lang="ts">
    import axiosPlus, { type AxiosPlusOptions } from 'svelte-axios-plus';

    let options: AxiosPlusOptions = $state({
        manual: true,
        autoCancel: true,
        useCache: true

    // The following two axiosPlus calls are equivalent and will react to 'options' state changes
    const { req: req1 } = axiosPlus('', options);
    const { req: req2 } = axiosPlus('', () => options);

The axiosPlus function offers flexible configuration through dynamic function arguments. You can pass both the config and options as functions, enabling axiosPlus to automatically respond to state changes in these function arguments.

Here's what makes this powerful:

  1. Pass config as a function: axiosPlus(() => config)
  2. Pass options as a function: axiosPlus(config, () => options)
  3. Pass both as functions: axiosPlus(() => config, () => options)

The best part? You have complete flexibility - use functions for dynamic state values and plain objects for static configurations. This means you can mix and match based on your needs.

  • Pros
    • Implements Svelte's recommended approach for reactive state passing
    • Preserves axiosPlus internal state integrity, with request cancellation controlled through the autoCancel flag
  • Cons
    • Introduces function parameters, slightly increasing the complexity of the axiosPlus implementation
<script lang="ts">
    import axiosPlus, { type AxiosPlusOptions } from 'svelte-axios-plus';

    let pagination: Record<string, number> = $state({});
    let options: AxiosPlusOptions = $state({
        manual: true,
        autoCancel: true,
        useCache: true

    const { req } = axiosPlus(
        () => ({
            url: '',
            params: pagination
        () => options


2. Dervied method

Using the $derived rune with axiosPlus triggers a complete function reinitialization whenever any referenced state values are modified.

  • Pros
    • Simple implementation requiring only a $derived rune wrapper around the axiosPlus function
  • Cons
    • Reinitializing the entire axiosPlus function resets its internal state and terminates active requests, regardless of the autoCancel setting
<script lang="ts">
    import axiosPlus, { type AxiosPlusOptions } from 'svelte-axios-plus';

    let pagination: Record<string, number> = $state({});
    let options: AxiosPlusOptions = $state({
        manual: true,
        autoCancel: true,
        useCache: true

    const { req } = $derived(
                url: '',
                params: pagination


3. Effect method

Using the $effect rune to trigger the refetch function on state changes provides a robust and controlled approach to handling reactive updates.

  • Pros
    • Flexible state management without requiring initial state declaration in axiosPlus initialization
    • Maintains axiosPlus internal state integrity, with request cancellation controlled solely by the autoCancel setting
  • Cons
    • Requires additional implementation through the $effect rune, increasing code footprint
    • Reactivity is limited to configOverride and useCache options, excluding other settings like manual and autoCancel
<script lang="ts">
    import axiosPlus, { type RefetchOptions } from 'svelte-axios-plus';

    let pagination: Record<string, number> = $state({});
    let options: RefetchOptions = $state({
        useCache: true

    const { req, refetch } = axiosPlus(
            url: ''

    $effect(() => {
        async function fetchData() {
            try {
                await refetch({ params: pagination }, options);
            } catch (error) {
                // Handle errors




The project includes a very simple playground example to play around with the library and its features.

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies via npm install
  3. Start the project via npm run dev
  4. Open the displayed url in your browser (most likely http://localhost:5173)
  5. Click on the Playground link


Breaking changes

Version 2.0.0


  • Requires Svelte 5
  • The library now uses Svelte 5's runes system internally
  • State management switched from Svelte 4 stores to Svelte 5's state management

Types & Interfaces

  • Renamed the following interfaces

    • ResponseValues -> RequestState
    • Options -> AxiosPlusOptions
  • Updated the AxiosPlusResult type

    // Old type
    type AxiosPlusResult<TResponse = any, TBody = any, TError = any> = [
            loading: Readable<boolean>;
            data: Readable<TResponse | undefined>;
            error: Readable<AxiosError<TError, TBody> | null>;
            response: Readable<AxiosResponse<TResponse, TBody> | undefined>;
        RefetchFunction<TBody, TResponse>,
        () => void,
        () => void
    // New type
    type AxiosPlusResult<TResponse = any, TBody = any, TError = any> = {
        req: Readonly<RequestState<TResponse, TBody, TError>>;
        refetch: RefetchFunction<TBody, TResponse>;
        cancel: () => void;
        reset: (force?: boolean) => void;

Usage of axiosPlus

Due to the AxiosPlusResult type update the usage of axiosPlus has changed (see example below).

Further request state is now returned through the req property, and direct destructuring is no longer supported to maintain reactive state.

  • Version 1.x.x usage example

    <script lang="ts">
        import axiosPlus from 'svelte-axios-plus';
        const [{ loading, data, error }, refetch] = axiosPlus('');
    {#if $loading}
    {:else if $error}
        <button on:click={refetch}>Refetch</button>
        <pre>{JSON.stringify($data, null, 2)}</pre>
  • Version 2.0.0 usage example

    <script lang="ts">
        import axiosPlus from 'svelte-axios-plus';
        const { req, refetch } = axiosPlus('');
    {#if req.loading}
    {:else if req.error}
        <button onclick={() => refetch()}>Refetch</button>
        <pre>{JSON.stringify(, null, 2)}</pre>


Testing components that use axiosPlus may experience test isolation issues due to built-in caching. To ensure proper test isolation, call the configure function before each test to disable the cache:

configure({ cache: false });


svelte-axios-plus requires ES6 Promise support. Check your environment's compatibility here.

For environments without ES6 Promise support, use some polyfill like this one ES6 promise.


svelte-axios-plus is heavily inspired by axios-hooks.

It began as a simple port of the axios-hooks package to svelte, but over the time I added some additional features that are not present in the axios-hooks package.


MIT License


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