Svelte Stack Router
Bridging the gap between Native Apps and WebApps. A Svelte Router that caches…
Micro Graphql Svelte
Light and simple GraphQL Svelte client with extensible, composable cache inva…
Sveltekit Image Plugin
SvelteKit demo code for using vite-imagetools to add cached, responsive, Next…
Vite Plugin Webfont Dl
⚡ Webfont Download Vite Plugin - Effortlessly download and bundle webfonts in…
Sveltekit Cache Example
Repo of an article I wrote about SvelteKit and on demand caching with Service…
Sveltekit Session Storage
SvelteKit Session Storage: how you can improve UX by temporarily caching user…
Sveltekit Pocketbase I18n Cache
starting point for building powerful and efficient multilingual web applicat…
Sveltekit Vercel Adapter Turborepo Cache Bug
Reproducing a bug that occurs with Vercel adapter for SvelteKit using Turbore…
Simple Cache Implementation
Svelte PSR-16 Simple Cache implementation provider for use in unit testing.
Storage Inspector Js
Clear browser site-data i.e. Cookies, Session Storage, Local Storage, IndexDB…
Nestjs Football App
A real time football application using nestJS for backend, Svelte (Kit) for f…