uniswap-calldata-optimization-monorepo Svelte Themes

Uniswap Calldata Optimization Monorepo

A full-stack snippet to demonstrate how to implement front-end part when doing calldata gas optimization with `Solid Grinder`

📚 Calldata Optimization Demo with Monorepo Architecture 📚

A full-stack snippet & example to demonstrate how to implement calldata gas optimization with Solid Grinder

If you wonder how calldata optimization works, you can check it out at this guide


The code is not audited yet. Please use it carefully in production.


Assuming that you have zellij installed:

pnpm i
cd contracts
pnpm i
cd web-svelte
pnpm i


  1. Copy .env into .env.<network>.local and modify as required. For example, this is a file (.env.optimism.local)(https://github.com/Ratimon/uniswap-calldata-optimization-monorepo/.env.optimism.local) for optimism network:


More style and convention guide for environment variable management can be found here : ldenv

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# USE .env.local and .env.<context>.local to set secrets
# .env and .env.<context> are used for default public env
# We use vite.js style env setup : https://vitejs.dev/guide/env-and-mode.html#modes
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



There are two main components, which are blockchain component and web component

  1. Spinning up the blockchain component:
cd contracts
pnpm start

If it appears that you need to intall more dependencies, just delete /contracts/lib, modify the command and re-run it.


In the first time, it is needed to install relevant dependencies:

cd contracts
pnpm prepare

This will open a customized terminal with three sub-terminals, including anvil, testing and interaction.

  1. In another terminal, run deployment scripts to the local network:
pnpm contracts:deploy_local_all

This will atomically deploy sets of deployment scripts.

  1. Export deployment artifacts with formated schema to be used later in front-end part:
pnpm contracts:export_local

This schema includes address and abi.

  1. Running the front-end component:
pnpm web:svelte:dev


  1. (Optional) kill blockchain component when not needed
cd contracts
pnpm stop


These are some guidlines to do when the front-end component can not sync to the blockchain component:

  1. Delete generated files after deployment in your contracts/broadcast/, contracts/deployments/, and contracts/cache/ to clear the cache, and then re-deploy again.

  2. Go to your Metamask extention and clear the data. There sometimes are updates in local nonce, so the checksum in front-end pass doesnot match the right ones.

Settings -> Advanced -> Clear activity and nonce data
  1. Rebuild again
pnpm dev
  1. Make sure your metamask connect to the same address which has been registered. Otherwise, register it!!

💡 Note:

You can directly send Tx to the chain via your CLI:

cast send <Contract Address> "register(address)" <Sender Address> <Addr as Argument> --private-key <Sender Privatekey>
  1. Open new Chrome tab every time after you have spinned up blockchain compoment and deployed the contract in order to make sure the front-end does not cache the wrong config.


See our contributing guidelines.

We are currently still in an experimental phase leading up to a first audit and would love to hear your feedback on how we can improve Solid Grinder.

If you want to say thank you or/and support active development of Solid Grinder:

  • Add a GitHub Star to the project.
  • Tweet about Solid Grinder.
  • Write interesting articles about the project on Medium, or your personal blog.


💡 Note:

We acknowledge, use, and get inspiration from this amazing template: jolly-roger.

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