CosmicNvim is a lightweight and opinionated Neovim config for web development…
Deliberate.nvim adds a sub-mode for Neovim to manipulate HTML syntax & Tailwi…
A very simple tool to run the svelte-check tool and pipe the results into neo…
Conceal your long HTML class attributes!
Configuracion personal de NeoVim como IDE de desarrollo, configurado principa…
Jump inbetween related files in sveltekit.
Jump between route files in Svelte and keep an overview in your statusbar.
Unfinished version of nvim-svelte-inspector
My nvim config for Svelte and Typescript
A tester program to perfect my sveltecheck.nvim plugin
My neovim setup with code completion, support for rust, c/c++, zig and python…
Neovim configuration based in the configuration from ThePrimeagen, used mainl…
nvim configuration based on astronvim & willems config…
Vim/Neovim CoC CSS class completion plugin