Vim/Neovim CoC CSS class selectors completion plugin

coc-class-css CoC is an autocompletion plugin of CSS/PostCSS/SCSS classes in HTML like markup.

All you need is to configure root css files to start from.


  • CoC vim plugin v0.0.80+
  • Watchman installed in order to update completion index when files changed.


:CocInstall coc-class-css


Place a .coc-class-css.json file alongside of your package.json like this:

  "cssRoots": ["./src/index.css"],
  "classAttributes": ["class"]

Where cocRoots specifies css files to process. Local @import directives are supported as well.

CoC configuration options.

  • coc-class-css.languages List of file types for which this plugin will be activated. Default: ["html", "svelte", "vue", "javascriptreact"]
  • coc-class-css.cssRoots Initial set of css files.
  • coc-class-css.classAttributes List of class like HTML attributes to trigger autocompletion. Default: ["class"] Note: tailwindCSS.classAttributes is also taken into account.


For correct autocompletion for keywords with dashes it also recommended to setup b:coc_additional_keywords

autocmd FileType * let b:coc_additional_keywords = ["-"]

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