

My nvim config for Svelte and Typescript


This config requires some software to be installed:

Python 3.10+
NodeJS 14.0+

Prefered font:

JetBrainsMono Nerd Font

which can be downloaded here: https://www.nerdfonts.com/font-downloads

After cloning repository into nvim directory, you need to open plugins file using nvim :

nvim lua/plugins.lua

After opening plugins file, you need to save it:


Saving this file will start the process of downloading/updating all plugins listed here.

After successfull updating, you can quit nvim:


At this moment plugins should be already installed, and we just need to download corresponding language servers, which can be found here:


Example command to install recommended language supports for svelte:

:CocInstall coc-tsserver coc-html coc-json coc-css coc-pairs @softmotions/coc-svelte 

Configuration is done. Restart nvim to ensure that all plugins loaded correctly.

Custom keymapping

All custom keymaps can be found at init.lua file.

Default keymaps of this configuration:

Code Completions:

SHIFT+t - Shows type of hovered variable/function

SPACE+c+a - Code Actions (as example import component that is not imported)

SPACE+r+n - Rename Symbol (variable, function name, interface name, and etc.)

SPACE+g+f - Go to References

SPACE+g+d - Go to Definition

SPACE+g+i - Go to implementation

CTRL+s - Open code completion suggestion box

SPACE+f+d - Go to current variable's type definition


ALT + , - Switch to the previous buffer (file)

ALT + . - Switch to the next buffer (file)

ALT + c - Close curent buffer (file)

File Explorer:

SPACE + d - Toggle file explorer

Files Search (telescope)

SPACE + f + f - Open file search

SPACE + f + g - Live grep

Top categories

Loading Svelte Themes