
> A catch phrase that describes your plugin.

> Drag your video (<10MB) here to host it for free on GitHub.

Videos don't work on GitHub mobile, so a GIF alternative can help users.

GIF version of the showcase video for mobile users

⚡️ Features

Write short sentences describing your plugin features

  • FEATURE ..

📋 Installation

Package manager Snippet


-- stable version
use {"svelte.nvim", tag = "*" }
-- dev version
use {"svelte.nvim"}


-- stable version
Plug "svelte.nvim", { "tag": "*" }
-- dev version
Plug "svelte.nvim"


-- stable version
require("lazy").setup({{"svelte.nvim", version = "*"}})
-- dev version

☄ Getting started

Describe how to use the plugin the simplest way

⚙ Configuration

The configuration list sometimes become cumbersome, making it folded by default reduce the noise of the README file.

Click to unfold the full list of options with their default values

Note: The options are also available in Neovim by calling :h svelte.options

    -- you can copy the full list from lua/svelte/config.lua

🧰 Commands

Command Description
:Toggle Enables the plugin.

⌨ Contributing

PRs and issues are always welcome. Make sure to provide as much context as possible when opening one.

🗞 Wiki

You can find guides and showcase of the plugin on the Wiki

🎭 Motivations

If alternatives of your plugin exist, you can provide some pros/cons of using yours over the others.

Top categories

Loading Svelte Themes