Svelte Tweakpane Ui
A Svelte component library wrapping UI elements from Tweakpane, plus some add…
Npm Packages Lookup
A Visual Studio extension that displays links to NPM, Git Repo (GitHub/GitLab…
Sveltekit Airtable Quickstart
Implements the official Airtable NPM package, making fetched records accessib…
Svelte Commerce Npm Packages
Npm package provides UI to use Litekart theme directly into your website.
Svelte Design System
Template for design systems based on Svelte with NPM package for component li…
Staf Komponentbibliotek Svelte Test
Example project using the staf-komponentbibliotek-svelte npm package
Text Behind Image Package
A framework-agnostic npm package for applying the text-behind-image effect in…
Wjfe Single Spa Svelte
NPM package capable of creating single-spa lifecycle functions for Svelte v5 …
Manypixels Illustrations
ManyPixels Illustrations as npm packages for raw and svelte usage with more t…