
Window Maker

easy draggable elements on a svelte page 😎

Window maker

This is a very small npm package for creating draggable windows on a webpage.

Right now this is only a svlete package but svelte is a compiler so it can be compiled to vanilla js as well.


  1. npm install window-maker

  2. import { WindowConstructor } from 'window-maker'

  3. <WindowConstructor> <your content here> </WindowConstructor>

    make sure to have a wrapper inside the WindowConstructor with id window-body and an element in it with the id window-head

    the window-body is the whole part that moves and the window-head is the draggable part

    any other content can be in any of those elements


        <div id="window-body">
            <div id="window-head">this is a the window head</div>
            <div>this is the window content</div>


new for 0.0.5:

  1. I forgor to make the package usable 💀 (should be fixed or at leas I hope so)

new for 0.0.4:

  1. added className prop to the component to apply custom classes to the wrapper element
  2. foxed issues with z-index where the windows below would not be draggable (this is a temporary fix for now but it works ig)

new for 0.0.3:

  1. won't break if you use more than one component instance on the same page 😎

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